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Brogan Holcombe

M.S. Student

Wildlife Conservation & Sciences

College of Natural Resources
Virginia Tech

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Research Interests

I am interested in behavioral ecology and how animals utilize the landscape while potentially interacting with humans.


Current Research

Bear Behavior, Foraging, & Hibernation Ecology

My thesis research focuses on analyzing American black bears (Ursus americanus) in the Virginia Appalachian Mountains, focusing on behavior, foraging, and hibernation ecology. 


Behavior & Foraging Ecology - This research project uses video collars placed on GPS collars of wild bears in the Central Appalachians to study general behavior of the American black bears and detailed foraging and diet.













Hibernation Ecology - Using video data collected from captive black bears at the Black Bear Research Center on Virginia Tech's campus, this research aims to better understand behavioral changes and timing surrounding hibernation onset and arousal.




















Education & Selected Publications


M.S. Wildlife Sciences - Virginia Tech - 2020-2022

Pursuing Graduate School Certificates in Preparing Future Professoriate & Geospatial Information Technology (GIT/GIS) 


B.S. Animal Sciences - Virginia Tech - 2014-2018

Degree Emphasis - Scientific Research

Minor - Biological Sciences 


Selected Publication

Nipko, R.B.; Holcombe, B.E.; and Kelly, M.J. (2020).

"Identifying individual felids via pattern-recognition software: comparing HotSpotter and Wild-ID." Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1-10. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1086


Holcombe, B.E.; and Kelly, M.J. (2018). "Co-existence

Ecology of Large Predator in Belize." NCUR 2018 Conference Proceedings. National Council of Undergraduate Research 2018, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK. Washington, DC: Council of Undergraduate Research.

Diversity & Outreach Experience

I hope to become a professor conducting impactful research in behavioral ecology while incorporating public outreach and mentorship of students. I am also dedicated to increasing diversity and inclusion in the wildlife and ecology profession. 


I have worked with several groups to promote mentorship, diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM. Including...

  • Sunday Scientist Shoutouts (2020-Present) - More Here

  • Mentorship Program Coordinator - Virginia Tech Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society (2016, 2020-Present)

  • Philadelphia ZooCrew - Virginia Tech 2017 & 2018 Visit

Contact Information

Brogan Holcombe

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M.S. Student

Black Bear Research

Cheatham Hall - Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, Virginia 24061


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